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1.Mary is _______ her face ready for the party.
A. clearing up
B. holding up
C. keeping up
D. making up
2.A man who could ______ such treatment was a man of remarkable physical courage and moral strength.
A. bear upon
B. insist on
C. stand up to
D. persist in
3._____ is the volume of chemical goods.
A. Constantly growing too
B. Too constantly growing
C. Growing constant to
D. Too growing constant
4.You shouldn’t stop your car here since there is a sign ‘______’.
A. Not Parking
B. No Park
C. No Parking
D. Not a Park
5.The manager or his assistant ______ planning to go.
A. were
B. are
C. was
D. be
6.The boy told his father that he would rather ______ an astronaut.
A. become
B. to become
C. becoming
D. became
7.This book of _______ used to be one of the best sellers in the shop.
A. his
B. him
C. that man
D. this
8.The climate here is often said to be similar to ______.
A. Japan
B. one of Japan
C. that of Japan
D. in Japan
9.What’s ______ is to get information about the situation first.
A. the wisest
B. a wisest
C. the wiser
D. wisest
10.“Tell the students to stop shouting. We ______ our essays now.”
A. write
B. have been writing
C. are writing
D. have written
11.It is fitted with a small transformer, by means of ______ the voltage of the currency can be adjusted.
A. whom
B. which
C. what
D. that
12.As usual,______ man was given his individual assignment.
A. every
B. each
C. all
D. both
13.I’m not going to ask the teacher why he gave me that grade; I intend _______.
A. to let rest the matter
B. the matter to be let resting
C. letting the matter to rest
D. to let the matter rest
14.When he just got off the plane, he gave us a good description of ______ in Spain.
A. what he had seen
B. that he had seen
C. which he had seen
D. he had seen what
15.______ , it is always possible to find out its volume.
A. Whatever the shape of a body may be
B. The shape of a body may be whatever
C. May whatever the shape of a body be
D. Whatever may the shape of a body be
16.It is required that the machine ______ as frequently as necessary.
A. be oiled
B. must be oiled
C. is oiled
D. will oil
17.They hardly believe that the apartment which costs them $ 4,000 is ______.
A. so small
B. such little
C. so little
D. such small
18.Mr Wu ______ to work by bus every day.
A. has been traveling
B. has traveled
C. travels
D. is traveling
19.Some people think the stock market will crash, but ______.
A. I wonder if it happens
B. I doubt if it will happen
C. I am afraid it wouldn’t happen
D. I doubt if it does happen
20._____ our countries are developing countries.
A. Each
B. Either
C. Every
D. Both
21._____ usually go to church every Sunday.
A. The Brown
B. A Brown
C. Browns
D. The Browns
22.It is just three o’clock p.m. The plane just _____ five minutes ago.
A. took off
B. took up
C. took out
D. took in
23.______ is it only the ignorant and ill-educated person who has such faith in the bottle of medicine.
A. Either
B. Often
C. Nor
D. Usually
24.The city assigned a policeman to the school crossing because ______ traffic there was so heavy.
A. a
B. an
C. the
D. one
25.He ______ so much work that he couldn’t really do it efficiently.
A. put on
B. took on
C. brought on
D. turned on
26.Fox was advised to give the assignment to _______ he believed had a strong sense of responsibility.
A. whom
B. whomever
C. whoever
D. that
27.For young people, Carpenter is ______ singer.
A. most their popular
B. most popular of theirs
C. their most popular
D. most popular of their
28.It is one thing to enjoy listening to good music, but it is quite ______ to perform skillfully yourself.
A. other
B. another
C. some
D. any
29.______, wherever he lives, a man belongs to some society.
A. For short
B. In short
C. Of short
D. On short
30.The flock of geese was flying through the sky in perfect formation following ______ leader.
A. its
B. their
C. his
D. her
31.You ______ your seats today if you want to go to the game.
A. had better to reserve
B. had better reserve
C. had to better reserve
D. had to reserve better
32.They thought it desirable that an armed guard ______ in readiness.
A. stands
B. stand
C. stood
D. would stand
33.______ a little more time to think, he might have acted more sensibly.
A. If he took
B. If he has taken
C. had he taken
D. Should he take
34.______ the camel can go for three days without food or drink
A. That it is why
B. That is it why
C. Why it is that
D. Why is it that
35.Beginning in the late 19th century, the _______ rise in the productivity of England was just ______ less than Germany and the U.S.
A. year…slightly
B. yearly…slight
C. yearly…slightly
D. year…slightly
36.I hoped ______ my letter.
A. her to answer
B. that she would answer
C. that she answers
D. her answering
37.Here ______ you want to see.
A. the manager comes
B. comes the manager
C. comes a manager
D. is coming a manager
38.Add those examples to ______ you have already noted.
A. one
B. the one
C. one
D. the ones
39.The poem by Browning is so observed that I cannot grasp ______ meaning.
A. its
B. it’s
C. their
D. that
40.He is by far the best player ______ the team.
A. for
B. on
C. in
D. to


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